Becky Bookworm Book Review: The Norse Myths - a Guide to Viking and Scandinavian Gods and Heroes by Professor Carolyne Larrington

The Norse Myths: A Guide to Viking and Scandinavian Gods and HeroesThe Norse Myths: A Guide to Viking and Scandinavian Gods and Heroes by Carolyne Larrington

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An absolute gold mind of infortmation, history and legend lore!
Thoroughly loved reading it. I learnt a lot from it and I was pleased to see how Carolyn also nodded to the various modern forms and features of norse myths in new fiction and tv series...
Highly recommend for anyone who wants to know more about the norse gods and heroes and heroines and trolls and giants and dragons and cursed gold/weapons... there is so much to learn about than Marvel inaccurately portrays.

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