A Sacred Storm Blog Tour - The Epic New Sequel from Theodore Brun - The Wanderer Chronicles Continues

Becky Bookworm Book Review as part of A Sacred Storm Blog Tour

A Sacred Storm: An epic historical fantasy for fans of Bernard Cornwall and George RR Martin (The Wanderer Chronicles)A Sacred Storm: An epic historical fantasy for fans of Bernard Cornwall and George RR Martin by Theodore Brun

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What can I say about a book where so much happens or worse yet doesn't happen (cue intrigue), with a seat-gripping, page-turning, heart-stopping cliff hanger within each chapter.
What can I say about a book that will keep you reading well past your usual bed time, a book that you won't be able to put down, a book that might even make you forget to eat...
What can I say about a book that weighs as much as the helmet on the cover. And just like a helmet completely absorbs you in the world it contains.
About a book that has more court intrigue, secret plots, hidden agendas and double-crossing than The Tudors and any Shakespearean Tragedy.
About a book that introduces old friends, new allies, and hidden enemies both near and far and some you don't see coming at all.
About a book that involves challenges, conflict, torture and war in both the mind, soul and body of our heroes.
About a book that weaves so eloquently old magic between the historical backdrop that it seems natural, captivating, alluring and still possess an air of danger, of the unknown.
About a book which will make you laugh out loud, gasp in shock, wince in empathetic pain and cry in sadness and relief and shout and cheer in triumph.
About a book that continues where it's series began, to shine light on a little known era of Viking/Scandinavian history and showing that sword wielding warriors can have JUST AS MUCH if not more adventure and bloodshed within their home realms, than those who went aboard across the seas.
About a book which has not only surpassed it's prequel but is a dazzling display of storytelling talent. Reaffirming Theodore as a bright new spark that shines as brightly as Bernard Cornwell, Giles Kristian or Justin Hill.
About a book that left me genuinely breathless, mind-blown and reeling from the truly epic climax of an ending and the lure of a new adventure to come in it's now greatly anticipated sequel...

What can I say about this book?
Four words really.
Buy It. Read it.
You really don't want to miss this off your bookshelf if you have read A Mighty Dawn - and if you haven't read that Order Both, Read Both. Simple.

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